eltc - The Environmental Law Teachers Clearinghouse
The Law
Laws, Regs and Policies
Case Law
Agency Materials
Reports and Publications
Agency Web Pages
Organization Web Pages
Class Materials
Case Studies
CALI Exercises
Documents and Data
Faculty Resource Pages and Syllabi
Virtual Guest Speakers
Blogs and Discussion Lists
Live Audio and Speeches
LLM, Joint Degree, Certificate & Summer Programs
Law Reviews and Online Articles
Symposia and Conferences
Externships and Jobs
Environmental Clinics
Wetlands Law: A Course Source
Activities Regulated
Agency Web Pages
Appeals, Judicial Review and Enforcement
Books and Newsletters
Clean Water Act Section 404 Permitting
EPA's Role in Section 404 Permitting
Laws, Regulations, Guidance and Historical Materials
Regulatory Takings
State Regulation of Wetlands
Waters of the United States
Wetlands CALI Exercises
Wetlands Case Library
Wetlands Interviews
Wetlands Law: A Course Source - The e-book
Wetlands Mitigation
Wetlands Science
Wetlands Audio / Video Materials
Statutory Law: A Course Source
Environmental Law Clinics and Clinical Opportunities
Environmental Law Clinics
hicago-Kent College of Law
(Chicago Environmental Law Center)
University of Denver College of Law
Earthjustice Clinic
Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
Emory University School of Law
Turner Environmental Law Clinic
University of Florida, Levin College of Law
Interdisciplinary Conservation Clinic
Golden Gate University School of Law
Environmental Law and Justice Clinic
Lewis and Clark Law School
- (
Earth Rise Advocacy Center
International Environmental Law Project
University of Maryland School of Law
(Environmental Law Clinic)
University of Michigan Law School
(Clinic in conjunction with National Wildlife Federation's Great Lakes Natural Resource Center)
Midwest Environmental Advocates (University of Wisconsin)
(Environmental Law Clinic)
University of Oregon Law School
Pace University School of Law
Environmental Litigation Clinic
Tulane Law School
Tulane Environmental Law Clinic
University of San Diego School of Law
(Environmental Law Clinic)
Vermont Law School
Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic
Washington University School of Law
Interdisciplinary Environmental Law Clinic
Widener University School of Law
(Environmental Law Clinic)
Yale Law School
Environmental Protection Clinic
Other Clinical Opportunities
University of California Davis School of Law
(Environmental externships)
Cleveland Marshall College of Law (Cleveland State)
(Environmental clinic)
Lewis and Clark Law School
(Environmental Externships and Natural Resources Law Internships)
Loyola Law School
(Loyola Marymount)
University of Maine School of Law
New York University Law School
(One semester externship "clinic")
University of Richmond (T.C. Williams School of Law)
(Clinical externships)
University of San Francisco School of Law
SUNY - University at Buffalo Law School
(Environment and Development Clinic)
Washington and Lee University School of Law
(Clinical externships)