eltc - The Environmental Law Teachers Clearinghouse
The Law
Laws, Regs and Policies
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Agency Web Pages
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Case Studies
CALI Exercises
Documents and Data
Faculty Resource Pages and Syllabi
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Live Audio and Speeches
LLM, Joint Degree, Certificate & Summer Programs
Law Reviews and Online Articles
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Externships and Jobs
Environmental Clinics
Wetlands Law: A Course Source
Activities Regulated
Agency Web Pages
Appeals, Judicial Review and Enforcement
Books and Newsletters
Clean Water Act Section 404 Permitting
EPA's Role in Section 404 Permitting
Laws, Regulations, Guidance and Historical Materials
Regulatory Takings
State Regulation of Wetlands
Waters of the United States
Wetlands CALI Exercises
Wetlands Case Library
Wetlands Interviews
Wetlands Law: A Course Source - The e-book
Wetlands Mitigation
Wetlands Science
Wetlands Audio / Video Materials
Statutory Law: A Course Source
Appeals, Judicial Review and Enforcement
Clean Water Act - Including
Section 309
Section 505
28 USC 2401 (Statute of Limitations - Suits v. the U.S.)
28 U.S.C. 2462 (General Statute of Limitations for Enforcement Actions)
U.S. Constitution, 7th Amendment
Corps Regulations - including
33 CFR Part 326
33 CFR Part 331
DOJ Regulations re: Consent Decrees - 28 CFR 50.7
EPA Regulations - including
40 CFR Part 22
40 CFR Part 135, Sub Part A
Other Resources
Clean Water Act Citizen Suit Primer and Model Complaint - Stack & Associates
Corps Videos Describing the Adminstrative Appeal Process
Corps Flow Chart of Appeal Process for
Permit Decisions
and for
Approved Jurisdictional Determinations
Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division Proposed Consent Decrees
EPA Compliance Order in
EPA Criminal Enforcement Web Page
EPA Environmental Appeals Board
EPA Region 1 Citizen Violation Report Form
EPA Region 9 Compliance Web Page
EPA Region 9 Wetlands Enforcement Web Page
EPA Wetland Enforcement Web Page
EPA Enforcement Web Page
EPA - Summary of Case Settlements
Example of Clean Water Act Citizen Suit Complaint -
Quad Cities Waterkeeper
Example of an EPA Compliance Order
Example of a Wetlands Enforcement Consent Decree
Sackett v. EPA Oral Argument Audio
Search EPA Database of Criminal Prosecutions
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Section 404 Enforcement
Policies and Reports
EPA‘s Section 404 Civil Penalty Policy
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, RGL 06-01, Determining the Timeliness of Requests for Appeal
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Guidance on Judicial Civil and Criminal Enforcement Priorities (Dec. 1990)
U.S. Department of Justice, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Factors in Decisions on Criminal Prosecutions for Environmental Violations in the Context of Significant Voluntary Compliance or Disclosure Efforts by the Violator (July 1, 1991)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Memorandum of Agreement: Federal Enforcement for the Section 404 Program of the Clean Water Act (Jan. 19, 1989)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Inspector General, EPA Needs a Better Strategy to Identify Violations of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (2009)