eltc - The Environmental Law Teachers Clearinghouse
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Wetlands Law: A Course Source
Activities Regulated
Agency Web Pages
Appeals, Judicial Review and Enforcement
Books and Newsletters
Clean Water Act Section 404 Permitting
EPA's Role in Section 404 Permitting
Laws, Regulations, Guidance and Historical Materials
Regulatory Takings
State Regulation of Wetlands
Waters of the United States
Wetlands CALI Exercises
Wetlands Case Library
Wetlands Interviews
Wetlands Law: A Course Source - The e-book
Wetlands Mitigation
Wetlands Science
Wetlands Audio / Video Materials
Statutory Law: A Course Source
Clean Water Act Section 404
- also
Section 401
Coastal Zone Management Act
Endangered Species Act
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
National Environmental Policy Act
National Historic Preservation Act
National Marine Sanctuaries Act
CEQ NEPA Regulations - including
40 CFR Part 1501
Part 1508
Corps Regulations - including
33 CFR Part 320
33 CFR 323.4
33 CFR Part 325
33 CFR Part 326
33 CFR Part 327
33 CFR Part 330
33 CFR Part 331
DOI ESA Consultation Regulations
EPA Regulations - including
40 CFR Part 230
(404(b)(1) guidelines)
Nationwide permit rulemakings in
(42 Fed. Reg. 37122, 37130 (July 19, 1977));
(61 Fed. Reg. 65874 (Dec. 13, 1996));
(72 Fed. Reg. 11092 (March 12, 2007));
(77 Fed. Reg. 10184 (Feb. 21, 2102)) and
(82 Fed. Reg. 1860 (Jan. 6, 2017).
Other Resources
Corps - Chart summarizing the 2017 NWPs
list of NWPs
Corps Fact Sheet on the Permitting Process
Graphical Representation of the Process
Corps - Final Decision Documents Supporting the 2017 NWPs
Corps - Letter of Permission Process in California
Corps - Regional Permit issued by Omaha District
Corps - Statement of Findings, including alternatives analysis, for Port Anchorage 404 permit
Corps - Videos on the
Alternatives Analysis
Permitting Process
; and the
404(b)(1) Guidelines
Corps - Search for recently issued and pending 404 permits
Corps - Search for 404 permit applications
EPA Fact Sheet re: 404(q) Elevation
web page re: 404 elevation
EPA Web Page re: 404 Permitting
Hartz Mountain Elevation Decision
Maryland - State PGP
Old Cutler Bay Elevation Decision
David Sunding & David Zilberman, The Economics of Environmental Regulation by Licensing: An Assessment of Recent Changes to the Wetland Permitting Process, 42 Nat. Res. J. 59 (2002)
404 Permit Application Form
Policies and Reports
Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of Commerce and the Department of the Army, Section 404(q) (December 21, 1992)
Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of the Interior and the Department of the Army, Section 404(q) (December 21, 1992)
Memorandum of Agreement Between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Army, Section 404(q) (August 11, 1992)
Memorandum of Understanding for the Purpose of Providing Concurrent and Coordinated Review and Processing of Surface Coal Mining Applications Proposing Placement of Dredged and/or Fill Material in Waters of the United States (Feb. 10, 2005)
Nancy Sutley, Chair, Council on Environmental Quality, Memorandum for Heads of Federal Departments and Agencies, Appropriate Use of Mitigation and Clarifying the Appropriate Use of Mitigated Findings of No Significant Impact (Jan. 14, 2011)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, RGL 92-01, Federal Agencies Roles and Responsibilities (May 12, 1992)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, RGL 92-04, Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Coastal Zone Management Act Conditions for Nationwide Permits (Sept. 1992)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, RGL 93-02, Guidance on Flexibility of the 404(b)(1) Guidelines and Mitigation Banking, Aug. 23, 1993)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, RGL 05-06, Expired Regulatory Guidance Letters (Dec. 7, 2005)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers & U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Memorandum of Agreement: The Determination of Mitigation Under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines (Feb. 6, 1990)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2017 Nationwide Permits, Conditions, District Engineer’s Decision, Further Information, and Definitions
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Reissuance of Nationwide Permits, 82 Fed. Reg. 1860 (Jan. 6, 2017)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of the Army, Memorandum: Clean Water Act Section 404 Regulatory Program and Agricultural Activities (May 1990)